Summer school is here again. Enroll Now.
Come, Learn & have fun at Sunbimod Summer School.
DATE: 5th - 31st, Aug. 2019 @9am - 2pm.
PUPILS CLASSES: Monday to Thursdays in August 2019
Featuring: French Class * Art Class *Music Class.
ADULTS CLASSES: Fridays and Saturdays in August 2019
Featuring: Skill Acquisition in *Beads Class *Fascinator *Makeup & Web-Design.
VENUE: Sunbimod School.
31, African Church St. College Rd., Jungle Bus Stop, Ifako-Ogba, Lagos.
Registration In Progress!
Please contact on: 08028521243, 08187480478, 08066578226 or 08078804905
DATE: Sat, 20th Jul. 2019 4:28pm
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