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Welcome back to School

Highly Esteemed Parents,
Compliment of the season to you. We are glad we all made it into the year 2019, our prayer is that the favour of God shall rest on us throughout this year in Jesus name. We really appreciate your patronage in the past years, God will continue to enrich your pockets and bless you the more in Jesus name.

We write to inform you about the activities lined up for the term.

Valentine's day: Pupils are to come with gift items to share with their friends,they are to put on red top on Jean. This is to teach them how to show love among themselves.

Career day: In order to make them view their future with great importance and aspiration,we want to organise a career day. It's day where all the Pupils' choice of profession will be celebrated. We hereby implore our Parents to kindly get for them the necessary costume and equipments required for their choice of profession.

School fee: There's a teller and a bill attached to the report card of your child, kindly pay the school fee into the account and come to the school with a duplicate of the paid teller,we will soon embark on the school fee drive by the first week in February.

Thank you.

DATE: Wed, 9th Jan. 2019 8:07am
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